Katsutoshi Ono
Kyoto University, Japan
Title: Batteries and fuel cells are key technologies in the future energy production
Biography: Katsutoshi Ono
1. Introduction
Concept of “three zeros” power generation system. Zero energy input, Zero matter input, Zero emission.
2. How to achieve” three zeros” power generation system
Hydrogen redox electric power generation, Lithium redox electric power generation.
3. Electrostatic-induction water electrolysis (ESIWE)
Principle, Laboratory experiment details, Direct measurements of electrical power requirements, Nature of the internal energy
4. Concepts of industrial applications of the three zeros power generation systems
All the constructions of the three zeros power generation systems are assumed to utilize the commercially existing bipolar
water electrolyzers, fuel cells, fuel cell stacks and lithium-ion battery modules, currently operated in industry.
High power application for central station power generation: Hydrogen redox electric power generation system(HREG).,
Combined energy cycle of solar battery, ESI bipolar water electrolyzer and fuel cell.
Low power application for specifi c propulsion systems:
On-board hydrogen redox power generators for infi nite cruising range electric vehicles (Abstract of the Conference). Onboard
lithium redox charge—discharge reciprocating power generator for infi nite cruising range electric vehicles.
5. Conclusive remarks
Th ermodynamic cycle of the three zeros power generation system. Direct electrostatic-to-chemical energy conversion Th ree
zeros power generators are not related to any perpetual motion machine, it works within the laws of thermodynamics through
internal energy creation.
Recent Publications:
1. Ono K: (2015) Energetically self-sustaining electric power generation system based on the combined cycle of electrostatic induction hydrogen electrolyzer and fuel cell IEEJ, Trans. on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.135 No.1 pp. 22-33.
2. Ono K: (2016) Hydrogen redox electric power and hydrogen energy generators, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.41 PP.10284-102913.
3. Ono K: (2016) “Hydrogen redox electric power and hydrogen energy generators”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.41 P.10284-10291
4. Barbir F, PEM fuel cells, Theory and Prracice, Elsevier, Amsterdam P.268..
5. Annual Report, National Resources and Energies 1999/2000, The Agency for Resources and Energies, Japan.
6. O’ Hayre R, Cha S.W, Collela W and Prinz F.B., (2006) Fuel cell, Fundamentals, John Wiley & Sons INC.